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my english is very bad. Sorry!

Do I have to scan with mbam in both accounts, admin and user? Or is it enough when I scan just in the admin account?

The problem: both scans (admin and user) find adware. it is the same adware (Adware.MyWebSearch) but a different amount. 1 piece as admin, 5 as a user. who is this possible? in all cases mbam quarantined and deleted successfully.

Maybe it is possible to answer in german?

thx a lot

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  • Root Admin

The program will remove all files and HKLM and current user keys in the registry so the infection cannot continue but there could be left over traces from other profiles so if there are you would need to run it for those other profiles to remove those left over traces. But again the main infection will be removed and those traces aside from maybe a file not found popup should not pose a threat.

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Here is AdvancedSetup's response translated to German for you:

Das Programm wird alle Dateien und HKLM und aktuellen Benutzers in der Registrierung zu entfernen, damit die Infektion nicht weiter kann, aber es k

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