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antivirus 2008 removal again


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http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6836 Previous posts

Have now managed to use the dvd to repair the installation, but have started experiencing a number of issues, and want to get back on line so that I can update MBAM etc and ensure the system is malware free. (Now running MBAM tells me that the log folder can not be found, which tends to suggest I need to reinstall

Have tried to update to SP3 but the process never completes, I get an access denied message

The einternet explorer icon does not start internet explorer, simply creates a new icon

The only way to start the browser is to use new process in the task manager and iexplore.exe, but there is still no active connection

windows media centre crashes each time I try to close it.

Do you have any advice on how I can get back on the internet, so that I can continue to sort out the issues?


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just to add to the post above, I have an extra drivers cd but am not sure which of these I should be installing and whether this is causing the issues above. As Evesham support seems to have died with the company I am struggling to know where to start

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  • Root Admin

Hi James,

Sorry for the late, sporadic reply. I'm having a bit of computer issues myself and I'm getting ready to swap out my system once again. I switched it out the other day for a temp computer but it was too slow to do my work so switching it out again for a faster temp computer.

Let me know though when you're ready and I'll try to assist you when I'm back online.

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unfortunately I am leaving again in the next few hours, but if you ave any suggestions in restoring IE connectvity, this would be appreciated. I have been connected, as I have been aboe to download SP3, but can't install it!

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  • 2 months later...


Sorry to have been so long coming back on this. I finally got the internet working again, and the other issue seems to be that there is an incompatibility between xp media centre 2005 and windows sp3 which means that media centre stops working. the solution therefore seems to be to wait for microsoft to come up with a fix (which they are supposed to be doing) then download that and see if it fixes media centre. Until then, it is back to old fashioned TV.

I would just like to say thanks for the help you gave me which was absolutely invaluable. I guess I will be back in the future with a HJT log and a Malwarebytes antimalware log (when I get access to the computer again) so for now everything seems to be almost back to normal (except media centre)

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