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Error Code 2 On an x64 O/S ?

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I loaded Malwarebytes 1.30 on to my Vista x64 machine, did the software/def update, and re-booted.

About 5 mins after the re-boot i get [OpenEvent] Failed to perform desired action. Error Code: 2

A quick browse through the forum and i see this appears to be because i must have attempted to start Malwarebytes Protection system which doesn't work on x64 OS's.

Ah eaisly fixed

So i download the malwarebytes clean utility, Did a standard removal off the software followed by running the clean utility. Reboot the PC, let it come up and check the services, Program files (x86) sub directory ect ect ... all celan. no trace of malwarebytes...

So i download the setup file again, do an clean install, launch the program and do the updates, Shutdown and re-boot the PC.

And up comes this Code 2 error again...

OK I know i didn't touch the protection button now...

Any other reson this occours ? and if so how do i stop it ?



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Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is not 64-bit compatible. Please e-mail us for a refund. Thank you.

Ah bugger. I know the Protection Modules isn't but it seems to scan OK ? and it has removed the dreaded Vundoo and a few nasties that Symantec enpoint didn't pick up, So i'll keep it thanks. Just thought there was a way to stop this annoying Code 2 error from popping up every boot.



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Ah, there is. Please click Start, Run, and type in the following.

"C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe" /uninstall

Let me know if that helps.

Hi - Just letting you know that message is not unique to 64-bit PCs - I get that "[OpenEvent] Failed to perform desired action. Erro code:2" every time I boot. The program still works great though, and is the best out there in my opinion.

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Ah, there is. Please click Start, Run, and type in the following.

"C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe" /uninstall

Let me know if that helps.

OK The Path is (on vista X64) "C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware>\mbamgui.exe" /uninstall

When i executed the command i generated an [OpenSCManagher] Failed to perform desired action. Error Code: 5)

I assume this means nothing happened ?



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@denparrish, that means your protection module is not working properly. Please post a new topic and we will get that resolved.

@Greg, you need to execute it using administrator privileges. Create a batch file and right click and Run as Administrator.

Ok Had to set the program itself (mbamgui.exe) to run as administator and then pop up a dos box and go to the Malwarebytes directory and run the command from the prompt (For some silly reason i couldn't get a batch file to run, i'll look at that one later) but the good news is , cleaned up the error beautifully.



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