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I am using Malwarebytes Pro 1.50 with AVG anti-virus on XP Media Center SP3. When I install and use Malwarebytes, it locks up the desktop and I can't run or open anything at all.

I have the paid (pro) version. I have formatted the hard drive, reinstalled windows, reinstalled malwarebytes and no luck. When I uninstall Malwarebytes everything works fine.

I am virus / trojan free. Can't understand what's going on or what else to do.

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  • Root Admin


The use of the product on any type of business system requires a corporate license, as part of that purchase you should be contacting corporate support.

Please send an email to Corporate Support Team <corporate-support@malwarebytes.org>

Also please include your Cleverbridge order reference number.

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Please let me know the ticket number on your request and I'll review it. Issues that cannot be resolved are escalated to me normally and I've not had one escalated on this issue.

It was a customer's PC and I needed to get it back to them. Because I couldn't get quick support, I had to use a competetors product. Sorry.

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