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MBAM Icon in Explorer

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Is there any way, how to disable icon in MBAM Explorer extension?

I now, how to delete via registry whole extension, to not to display, but I wanna have that extension, but without the icon.

All tools I have installed are without extension icon, just MBAM have one.

Please, make an option for disabling that icon. ( Like WinRAR have this option :-)

Thanks a lot



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Is there any way, how to disable icon in MBAM Explorer extension? P

When Googling a bit you will find serveral freeware tools allowing you to customise the context menu of Windows Explorer

Berny +++

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Berny, I know it, but I have something else on my mind. I do not need to customize context menu, I have there, what I wanna have there, but I would like to have an option, just not to display MBAM Explorer extension icon. mbamext.dll is that extension. I should remove the icon via resource editor, but this is not so clear, then it should be... :-) I will be much better to make that option officialy.

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Berny, I know it, but I have something else on my mind. I do not need to customize context menu, I have there, what I wanna have there, but I would like to have an option, just not to display MBAM Explorer extension icon. mbamext.dll is that extension. I should remove the icon via resource editor, but this is not so clear, then it should be... :-) I will be much better to make that option officialy.

I understood you Panoramix :)

you wat something like WinZip => Options => Configuration => Explorer Enhancements !

This is not a bad idea, and this kind of option should be welcome in a lot of programs.

When i right_click a file in Explorer i also get long action_list of available app's.

Best regards

Berny +++

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I do that

1. You need to unload mbamext.dll from explorer.exe.

2. You need to open mbamext.dll in a resource hacker and delete the icon.

3. You need to reload mbamext.dll into explorer.exe.

for about one minute. Now it is OK, without an icon, but after the program update, I will be there, like before :-)

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