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Hello All,

I opened up Malwarebytes Anti-malware as usual today to run and check for updates. It did download an update (5+ MB file) as expected, but then after that update a window popped up stating a newer version of Malwarebytes was available and automatically downloaded and installed a 7+ MB file.

Q1 - Does the older version of MWB need to be uninstalled before a fresh cropy is downloaded or does the software already do that.

Q2 - After clicking on my usual icon to run MWB it was 25% or so through and an error showed the following and closed the program:

AppName: mbam.exe AppVer: ModName: version.dll

ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 00001deb

I am not sure if this is directly related to program or something more.

Thank You.

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Hello All,

I opened up Malwarebytes Anti-malware as usual today to run and check for updates. It did download an update (5+ MB file) as expected, but then after that update a window popped up stating a newer version of Malwarebytes was available and automatically downloaded and installed a 7+ MB file.

Q1 - Does the older version of MWB need to be uninstalled before a fresh cropy is downloaded or does the software already do that.

Q2 - After clicking on my usual icon to run MWB it was 25% or so through and an error showed the following and closed the program:

AppName: mbam.exe AppVer: ModName: version.dll

ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 00001deb

I am not sure if this is directly related to program or something more.

Thank You.

On Question one,

No you do not need to uninstall it.

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