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Trojans, Rootkits and Rogues


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You may not know this, but do a majority of rogue creators purchase the Trojan kits, or do they make their own Trojans?

Which Trojans are most common in rogue distribution: Zlob, Zbot, Zeus, Vundo, Artemis, etc.?

Are there rootkit kits (sorry :)) that malware authors create, similar to the Trojan kits?



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Guest name cool


Initially ,crooks "do not get bored of their business. Why? For the simple reason, they want to control every computer and spy on everyone, and may be their intention is not good. such as tracking someone, "whether on the net or the ground.

Some of these Trojan risks, including stealing passwords and bite them another "steal personal information from the same person. As we know that a lot of chat rooms and programs behind the computer infected with this virus unknown. and considered just like the Rogue programs. :lol:


M' Anti-M Free use. XP SP 3


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