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change location of rules.ref file


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I've been kind of wondering, if it was possible to move the rules.ref file, as well as other files with the rules.ref file to a different folder or partition. if it isn't possible, would it be a wise idea to add that feature, to move the rules.ref file and other files with it to a different folder or partition if the user wants to?

also, once the rules.ref file and the other files with it are moved to the new folder or partition, can the rules.ref file be updated at that new location?

- Soldjermon

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  • Root Admin

No the files cannot be moved. I'm not sure I understand your reasoning for even wanting to move the files. It is not a portable application, it's just like thousands of other applications that require all the files to be contained where they were installed so that the program knows how to reference them.

If you don't have space for the 5MB file on the partition then you have bigger problems with your system than worrying about moving one of the internal files of the program.

Can you please provide more details on why you would even want to so that maybe we can better understand the issue you may have.


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alrighty. the reason why I want the rules.ref file moved to a different partition and being updated there, is because that I have deep freeze installed and enabled. so even if I update the rules.ref file and then restart my computer, it'll just reset to the older version.

I was just thinking if the rules.ref file was moved to a different partition, I wouldn't have-to unfreeze my system partition and restart my computer again, just to update the rules.ref file.

- Soldjermon

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