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False Positives Across a Network? Permissions Issue?


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Ran a quick scan on my local machine today and it picked up a number of hits on files on a network server in a directory I DO NOT have access to. I asked that user to check the directory, and alas there were no files there. Totally empty directory. Had him run a similar scan and he found nothing, except he returned a similar result on MY directory on the same network server.

I guess the question here is do we need to look deeper into this issue or is MBAM getting false positives from heuristics on files it doesn't have access to?

I've attached a copy of the scan I did. Thanks for any help or insight you can provide on this issue.


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I should add that we went back in and there were in fact files in that directory. Permissions were limited to the user who owned the directory, however domain users (which my user was a member of) had directory listing persmissions, and vice versa. I could not see the files, but perhaps MBAM could. We're not sure. The results in the other scan were identical. We've seen this on a number of other AD2008/Server 2008 R2 networks that our company runs... just wondering if this is something that is common.

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