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:) Recently I have had attack by something that can be quarantened by Malbytes known or identified as " Rootkit. TDSS "

When I asked my utilitys to delete it is when is does it's damage. I was then not able to boot up to windows nor able to safeboot such that I could invoke any utility to try to isolate and destroy it. This required me to call the experts in for help. They struggled with it also, seems that this monster is hard to get rid of. I finally was able to use my computer again, but it's back. It is currently held at bay by Malbytes, but I am scarred to try to delete because of that is when it did me in the last time. I spend 3 days downtime and many dollars trying to get free of it, and I don't want to have that happen again. Is anybody familar with this? Elmerfuz

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