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Just to inform people with the same netbook about a bug I discovered yesterday.

Since my old one died I ordered a new Samsung netbook N150 with Win7 on it.

Great netbook and realy good progs from Samsung on it but after updating

yesterday with Windows Update I discovered the brightness of the screen couldn't

be set anymore. You only can set it one notch less but it doesn't do anything.

Also the DIM settings doesn't work anymore. Since I installed a lot of other progs

I first didn't had a clue the update caused it. After a Google I found out

that the latest drivers on Windows Update (Intel drivers) for the graphics card are causing this, if

you have the same problem just install the old Samsung ones which are available on the Samsung

support website.

R.I.P. Acer Travelmate C110 Tablet, farewell my good companion crying.gif

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