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Hey ya'll,

I have a suggestion/inquiry. Is there anyway to make MBAM integrated with the Windows Security Center? I think it would make me feel safer so to speak if it were integrated. Also, I noticed that MBAM does not auto-update for some reason. And one last thing, is it possible to get MBAM recognized by Microsoft, like other products are such as McAfee and whatnot. I think this may help legitimize MBAM and would make me feel safer too.

Just some comments by me, take 'em if you wanna ;).


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  • Root Admin

Hello Jagst3r15,

We are looking into integrating with the Windows Security Center. I do not have a specific time period though when this will be ready.

If you continue to have issues with updating the program please contact our support department. and they will assist you in correcting it.

Thank you for your feedback and use of our product.

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  • 3 years later...





News about Windows Security Center integration?
It's a bit annoying Windows 7 x64 doesn't detect a valid Antivirus installed...



This is a 4-year-old topic!


Nope, no news.

That's because MBAM is NOT an Anti-Virus:  Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace antivirus software?


So, it's not likely this will change any time soon. ;)

That was the official reply from staff, the last time someone asked this, a while back.

Staff will correct me if I am wrong, though.





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