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back- up problem.please help!!

mbam daz.

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im currently using macrium reflect to perform back-ups of my hard drive.

now the problem im having is when i come to back up im given an option to back-up my c-drive and to back up what is called system.

could somebody please explain to me what system actually is.its a large file of about 400mb.does this need to be backed up also?

im only backing up my c-drive and not the system .

kind regards.

bye for now.

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hi firefox thanks for that.

so just to clarify.

what exactly am i backing up when i choose to just back up the c-drive.?

macrium reflect gives me an option to back-up my c-drive and/or system.

just say for arguments sake that windows will not boot-up anymore.is backing up the c-drive enough to re-install or do i need to back-up system also?

many thanks.

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When you backup the C drive it is backing up every file, not sure if it can backup any files that are being used though as I do not use this software.

Windows XP Professional

The System State data comprises only the registry, COM+ Class Registration database, files under Windows File Protection, and boot files.

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im currently using macrium reflect to perform back-ups of my hard drive.

now the problem im having is when i come to back up im given an option to back-up my c-drive and to back up what is called system.

could somebody please explain to me what system actually is.its a large file of about 400mb.does this need to be backed up also?

Hi mbam daz.

You'd be better off asking that over on the Macrium support forum here: hxxp://www.macrium.com/support.asp

This webpage from their support may prove enlightening:


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