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Latest browser stats: Chrome, IE9 up, Firefox suffers enthusiasm gap

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I like Google Chrome on my XP Pro system and IE9 on my Windows 7 system. :D

I wonder if MBAM staff compile browser usage stats for this forum? :D

There is no question that Google


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I am sure that technically oriented forums or web sites are not the place to gauge the public use of various browsers due to way too narrow a sample.

My own observations for popular sites, just as an eg, JustinTv, ( with a huge following among the younger set) which has recently adopted onscreen ads, is showing a steady increase in Firefox users. This appears to be due to a large degree to addons available like Adblock and No Script. The chat rooms are buzzing about AdblockPlus lately, and keep in mind that few or no other attributes are important to these users.

Swaying the younger users is the key and nearly all that i recommended Firefox to (for mostly security reasons involving non techie users) have embraced it and never looked back.

There is it seems, a bit of an "ivory tower" attitude among technically inclined computer users that can skew the figures of that group to afflict a flawed assumption on the real world.

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I am sure that technically oriented forums or web sites are not the place to gauge the public use of various browsers due to way too narrow a sample.

My own observations for popular sites, just as an eg, JustinTv, ( with a huge following among the younger set) which has recently adopted onscreen ads, is showing a steady increase in Firefox users. This appears to be due to a large degree to addons available like Adblock and No Script. The chat rooms are buzzing about AdblockPlus lately, and keep in mind that few or no other attributes are important to these users.

Swaying the younger users is the key and nearly all that i recommended Firefox to (for mostly security reasons involving non techie users) have embraced it and never looked back.

There is it seems, a bit of an "ivory tower" attitude among technically inclined computer users that can skew the figures of that group to afflict a flawed assumption on the real world.


I'm with you Wayne.. I may not be in the "younger group" that is catered to but I sure love my Firefox and all it's handy extensions.. such as NOSCRIPT and ADBLOCK Plus. :D


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Hey; just found out Safari *does* have an Extension ON/off switch.. Thanks to Buttons for the info. Just goes to show you can't believe everything you read in Blogs and News Sources.


I wanna see November 2010 numbers when they come out in December.. :P

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I tend to disagree with the statistics.

By end of year it will be Chrome and Mozilla battling for first 2 places and not IE and Chrome as said.

More realistic results found here:


One can not disagree with statistics; once can only rearrange the numbers until the desired result is obtained. -- One of my old college Professors :lol:

I'm with you on Firefox as one of the two but because I tend to be biased towards Firefox, in fairness I don't publicly back a pony in this race. :lol:

I did note this disclaimer on w3schools.com:

W3Schools is for training only. We do not warrant the correctness of its content. The risk from using it lies entirely with the user.

While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use and privacy policy.

Copyright 1999-2010 by Refsnes Data. All Rights Reserved.

It'll be interesting to see.. :lol:



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Latest browser stats: Chrome, IE9 up, Firefox suffers enthusiasm gap

Firefox users are abandoning it in droves. Overall, Firefox usage has dropped precipitously in the past two months. Back in 2007, it looked like a sure thing that Firefox usage would pass that of Internet Explorer within a matter of months. That didn

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I missed this. :D I'm not overly happy with Firefox at the moment. Since around 3.6.8 bookmarks haven't been working right. Now have Safari as my main browser(mainly for the extension kill switch)which does okay.:D

I gave 4.7beta a try this morning but none of my extensions work - IMgur, Lazarus, Secure Login, etc, et al.. So I'm back to 3.12 right now. I had my fill of Apple in 1983.. Never bought an Apple product since.. and won't even use a free one.. Safari can take a hike.. *joke*


PS: Heard there's a cat looking for you over on the CHAT forum.. wait.. THIS forum.. And it looks MEAN! :)

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Test driving Firefox 4 beta right now and not real impressed yet but the little bugs i'm finding will be ironed out i assume.

Although i like and stick with Firefox i suspect that if Chrome had the same addons available it could sway me over. I still do not use IE due to the length of time it took Macrobucks to smarten it up while we the average end users suffered, so just being crabby and vengeful here :)

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