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Hi -

Sorry , but even if they are a half decent company , I find the way they place "scam type" click here first , advertising on some downloads , means they are not one of the people that I would ever deal with -

Just like Uni Blue and RegClean and several other companies -

Regards -

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Hi MAM -

The vendor seems to be a trustworthy company , and seems to have a 'reasonable program - I only replied that the way they place their advertising over the top , or beside other programs can at times be misleading - You think that you are downloading (just for example) Malwarebytes , and you end up downloading their program because it says Click Here To Download but that is not what you were looking for -

I based it purely on the way they place their advertising -

Thank You -

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Hi MAM -

The vendor seems to be a trustworthy company , and seems to have a 'reasonable program - I only replied that the way they place their advertising over the top , or beside other programs can at times be misleading - You think that you are downloading (just for example) Malwarebytes , and you end up downloading their program because it says Click Here To Download but that is not what you were looking for -

I based it purely on the way they place their advertising -

Thank You -

I've seen the same thing. On a lot of malicious sites/advertising sites. Says something like "Download (Fake program name) now!"which turns out to be spyware doctor. Most of the time a 70MB file is legit not malware.

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