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I'm running the free version of MalwareBytes with Spybot S&D on a 64-bit W7 Pro system.

Spybot has a passive immunization feature for browsers. I can run Spybot and enable the immunization for Firefox and Windows Explorer.

If I then run MalwareBytes, followed by Spybot, the Firefox immunizations get removed. The Windows Explorer immunizations remain intact.

Is anybody else seeing this? :D

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Hi BrunSteve and welcome to Malwarebytes.org

I am unable to reproduce this.

I installed a fresh copy of MBAM v1.46 and updated the DB to 4916 on Win 7 X64 Pro.

Installed a new copy of Firefox 3.6.11 with no add-ons

Installed SpyBot S&D 1.62 and checked for updates. Currently 1.62.46 No TeaTimer installed. Resident SD helper was installed.

Immunized both IE and Firefox.

Exited the program.

Ran MBAM quick scan and exited.

Ran a Spybot scan and checked for problems. It only found one tracking cookie. No big deal.

Checked for Immunization again and all is OK.

I rebooted and ran an update for MBAM to DB 4918.

Scanned again with MBAM and a Full scan.

Opened Spybot again to check for immunization and again, everything was OK.

Are you running Spybot as an Admin? Until I applied run as administrator to the shortcut for Spybot, I was getting a pop up warning about needing to run as admin when I tried to immunize. When you click the OK button, it goes to the immunize screen anyway.

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I am also running TeaTimer. I don't see why that would matter, but who knows.

I do have some add-ons to Firefox. Once again, I don't see why that would matter.

It is advised to turn off the Tea Timer function when you are running other installed antimalware programs , as this can cause a conflict with other programs -

The add-ons in Firefox may be relevent , depending on what they are -

Thank You -

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Well, whatever is doing it, it's not MalwareBytes. It happened again, without me running MalwaerBytes at all. Sorry for the false alarm.

It is advised to turn off the Tea Timer function when you are running other installed antimalware programs , as this can cause a conflict with other programs -

The add-ons in Firefox may be relevent , depending on what they are -

Thank You -

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