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Malwarebytes crashed from the first scan

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LDTate has been helping me at http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...mp;#entry331388 . He suggested that I I start a new topic here to get help with my problem. Malwarebytes keeps crashing. When I do a full scan it crashes at C:\WINDOWS\system32\divx_xx07.dll. If I scan the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32 it crashes on C:\WINDOWS\system32\dispex.dll. I have scanned the folder with Aira as well. It did not detect any problems.

I look forward to help. Thank you

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Greetings :D

Please do the following:

  • Please open Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and click on the Settings tab
  • Click on the Scanner Settings tab
  • Uncheck Enable advanced heuristics engine. (Heurisitcs.Shuriken)
  • Try another scan and see if the issue is now corrected or not

That should fix it for now. There is currently a known issue with Shuriken in certain scenarios, especially in Japanese language versions of Windows. If that fixed it, then please leave that option unchecked until the next version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is released as it will be fixed in the next version.

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Thank you! I was able to complete the scan without it crashing. Does the scan become less reliable with advanced heuristics engine disabled?

Hi - Just a quick extra to the fix from exile360 -

Most times you can still do a Quick Scan with this function enabled , but the item will still show a problem in a Full Scan -

Thank You -

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