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To celebrate their 7th anniversary, Calendar of Updates gave me a present for being a more or less contributing member.

I was presented with a choice of security software licences and I picked MBAM, because I've been using the personal copy since August anyway.

So through CoU I received a gratis licence code to register my MBAM copy.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it a lot. :)

And I won't fail to recommend MBAM to computer newbies and ignorappopotamuses alike.


And I'll add "Dank U" (Dutch)

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I have been here a long time and a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since we last talked. :)

Maybe we should stop meeting like this.

People are going to talk about it, you know? :)

Anyway, it's getting to be a familiar feeling bumping into you again.

Thanks for the welcome.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 8 years later...

Last June Malwarebytes thought that my free subscription had lasted long enough.

So I was invited to spend a license fee.

Well, I did, for 2 years. And gladly too, because I've been using this anti-malware continuously for 9 years now.

Malwarebytes more than deserves being paid a fee for serving me loyally without failing. thumbs_up.gif

So let me add my appreciation for the good work.

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You likely didn't need to pay for a license, even after all that time.  Lifetime licenses are still lifetime to this day as long as proper ownership can be established/validated (things become more difficult if a particular license ends up being pirated by others, but even in those cases Support can often determine whether a user is legit and issue them a new lifetime key if necessary and then blacklist the old pirated key to stop the thieves who were using it).  You just have to contact Malwarebytes Support and they should be able to get your lifetime key fully validated again and registered in your account (if you haven't signed up at My.Malwarebytes.com yet I'd highly recommend doing so as it makes license management much easier; instructions on doing so can be found in this support article).  You can contact Support directly by filling out the form on the bottom of this page.

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  • Root Admin

Yes, please open a ticket with support @E Pericoloso Sporgersi as @exile360 mentioned. The lifetime license is good for as long as we're still in business. Please also link to this topic and any other information you may have such as the original license key (not here, in your support ticket)

Once you've opened and ticket let me know what the ticket number is please.

Thank you



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