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I have removed Trend Micro antivirus via the uninstaller and did a clean install of AVG 2011 Free and Activated MalWareBytes. The PC is completely unresponsive. This had happened on more than one PC. With MalWareBytes uninstalled in safe mode the PC is operating normally now. Windows XP Home and Pro.

Not having this problem with AVG 9.0. But with the release of 2011 I am going to have several PC

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There is a known issue with Malwarebytes and AVG Antivirus 2011 that they are working on trying to figure out what is causing it, for now maybe you can either run MBAM manually and leave it disabled (which I would not recommend), or you can remove AVG and go back to Trend or a different Anti-virus software.

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Hi -

Even several AVG resellers are going to other A/virus programs until this is sorted out -

AVG 9 (free or paid) has No issues so 2 resellers I know are looking at Avast or other programs unless this is sorted out -

Our management will still try to work through this issue -

Note : Panda 2011 have reported 'similar' problems , but this is easier to work with -

For now you can always use Avira , Avast , M.S.E. , or several other free antivirus programs -

Thank You -

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Jeeez... I just upgraded to AVG 2011 only 30 minutes ago. Haven't experienced any problem yet. I guess I'll play it safe and go back to AVG 9 while I'm not locked up yet.

Not all people are having the issue but there are plenty.... I am not sure it is isolated to only certain versions of windows. I know windows xp has problems with it.

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