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I would find the extra IP information in the "protection-log.txt" very handy if you could add the requesting program that is asking permission to access the internet ie: firefox or joe'smalware . seem to me to do anything with this info you have to know who ask. Right now all I know is the IP address.

Thanks very much

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Its a nice idea, I think this has been suggested before.....

I believe that this is the job of a firewall. Your firewall can monitor what apps are trying to access the internet, so you would have to look at the logs in your firewall.

Malwarebytes is not a firewall therefore can not monitor what application is going to access the internet.

Hope that makes sense.

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Right now all I know is the IP address.

An IP can cover many sites and only one site on that IP there may only be 2 or 3 bad sites on an IP of 50 sites -

The IP block is always known by you as you try to access any one site , not any IP -

This is why you can Add to Ignore if you think the area is good - This is updated several times every day (Sites added and removed) -

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