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Dear Members,

I am new to this forum, I was directed here by Tom Mercado from support, after complaining that MBAM Flash scan is done in a popup open window every hour or so, which is very annoying and disturbing, specially if you are working or doing something on your computer.

I suggested that there should be an option added, to select that the Flash scan can be done silently, like the one under the Schedule Scan (Perform scheduled scan silently from system account.), also adding an Icon on the taskbar indicating that a scan (Schedule or Flash) is running.

A copy of his reply follows below:


Tom Mercado, Oct 12 11:38 (PDT):

There is no setting to run the Flash scan silently. Feel free to suggest it in the forums and see if others are interested in this option post it into our 'Comments & Suggestions' forum:


In this fashion, the developers can better judge just how popular any particular suggestion is and decide if they want to include it into an upcoming release.

I'm still waiting on feedback for the icon issue


I hope some of you agree with me, share my view and annoyance, if you do, please take action by letting the developers hear your voice.

Thank you all,


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I have suggested this before:


Until they fix this, a workaround is to disable "Run Flash Scan after successful update" and schedule a FlashScan a few minutes after the scheduled update, it will run in background.

Reposted wit a correction because I cannot edit posts??

Until they fix this, a workaround is to disable "Run Flash Scan after successful update" and schedule a FlashScan a few minutes after the scheduled update, it will run in background if you also check "Perform scheduled scan silently from the system account".

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