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A blind fellow tapped his way into a bar one day. Wanting to just make conversation he said..... "anybody want to hear a blond joke?"

The place suddenly went silent and after a moment the female bartender said...... "listen buddy, i am blond, 6 ft tall, an athlete and have a short temper, also both bouncers are big blonds, do you still want to tell that blond joke?"

The blind man said, heck no! Not if i have to explain it three times...... :(

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A blind fellow tapped his way into a bar one day. Wanting to just make conversation he said..... "anybody want to hear a blond joke?"

The place suddenly went silent and after a moment the female bartender said...... "listen buddy, i am blond, 6 ft tall, an athlete and have a short temper, also both bouncers are big blonds, do you still want to tell that blond joke?"

The blind man said, heck no! Not if i have to explain it three times...... :(

HAHAHHAHAHAHAhahhahhahahhaahha... I liked that one Wayne.. keep 'em coming.. :) :) :):)


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