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Clean MWB log but continuing problems after removing Security Suite/Antimalware Doctor 3 wks ago.

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Hi, my PC has been running fine since I was last helped Sept.14; removal of Antimalware and Security Suite bundle.

Just a couple of days ago I noticed the same series of events taking place here; this time I've got no virus's detected by my anti-virus programs including spyware I have on my PC. I believe I may have gotten it through email. McAfee didn't pick it up. I have the following programs: SpywareBlaster, Spybot and Ad-Aware as well. Also ''Io Security'' to boot. Nothing was detected by either program.

McAfee ''AV'' was disabled along with: McAfee Firewall, and my Creative Labs Sound Control Panel is disabled and inop. Can't get it to work. My Network Connections Folder id empty[icons are gone] I can't connect to the internet. I first noticed my sound, Firewall and AV were disabled at any rate. Basically. I've the same crap going on here as last time.

I went into Safe Mode to run Malwarebytes and McAfee right away. Re-booted with absolutely no files found with either programs. What the heck is going on here? I stayed away from the listed sites: Bit torrent and others you mentioned. This is a silent virus, I will say. I can't think of anything else to add here.

When I re-booted, I also noticed my Administrator Account came up-NOT NORMAL HERE- along with my others I have for that extra protection in case my password gets wiped out. Now, I do have a second HD with Win XP Home SP3 installed as well; so at this point I'm able to email and get support.

I have HJ [Hijack This] installed as well. Any other info you may need I will get for you. I'm running Win XP Home w/ SP3 with all updates current. I uploaded my MB log and was told it was clean. I was then referred to the PC Help section for advice.



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