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Hello everyone, nice to be here. I'm from the UK,married,no children:just a bunch of cats. Playing drums is my second love after my dear wife,who is number 1 of course!

The world of computing and all it's associated parts is still relatively new to me,despite having been online for 7 years,not continuously I hasten to add !! But I do find forums like this and,dare I say ( Bleeping Computer.com) a most

valuable source of information and answers to many questions.

I have already spent a lot of time reading some of the tutorials here at MBAM and have followed one or two pieces of advice in an attempt to become more computer literate and do more with my PC other than games or FaceBook.

I may not know enough about computers to offer any opinions or advice,but anything Drums: I'm your man!

Bye for now,


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Hello TerryFP: :(

my dear wife,who is number 1 of course!

If she is looking over your shoulders as you typed these :(

Now back to business: You'll find people in this forum are extremely friendly at the same time forum has loads of information. Please keep visiting, there are various section reserved for one or the other, just follow the rules and you'll be all set

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Hey thanks everyone.

Apologies for not spell checking my OP, I got my own name wrong!!

I like Phil Collins,great musician. Chester Thompson is equally talented,but the question of best drummer can never be answered unless it is genre specific.

The early pioneers like Gene Kruppa and Buddy Rich,all those old jazz guys were brilliant. Now there are people like Tony Royster,Terry Bozzio and Neil Peart,all excellent drummers in their chosen music types.

My favourite quote comes from the late and truly great Keith Moon when asked by a music magazine reporter: " Are you the greatest drummer in the world?"

"No," replies Moon, " I am the greatest Keith Moon type drummer in the world."

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