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10/10/10 10:10:10 :)

Edit: I want to change the title to Tomorrow is unique, reason there are various special days in everyone's life, like Birthday, Wedding Day???...

By the way this will also happen next year 11/11/11 11:11:11 followed by 12/12/12 12:12:12, in fact this happens First Twelve years of Every Century

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Hello carl606: :o

If you are the same one that replied in another forum too (I am not going to name it), but different topic. Hint: Research, Computer & Windows

Thanks Haider.

Yes i guess i am the same person.......

10/10/10 10:10:10

In case the world ends, its been nice chatting to you.... :o

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10/10/10 10:10:10 :o

Edit: I want to change the title to Tomorrow is unique, reason there are various special days in everyone's life, like Birthday, Wedding Day???...

By the way this will also happen next year 11/11/11 11:11:11 followed by 12/12/12 12:12:12, in fact this happens First Twelve years of Every Century

Drats; missed it by thisssssssssssssssssss MUCH!

One lousy minute late in logging in.. plus I had my join date with two more 10s.. :lol:


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101010 is 42 in binary 101010 is the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. do you need a guide for this. :o


Ford: You're looking for the Ultimate Question.

Zaphod: Yep.

Ford: You.

Zaphod: Me.

Ford: Why?

Zaphod: No, I tried that: Why? 42. Doesn't work.

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