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Search Engine Redirect

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I have three computers on my home network. All three are showing the same symptoms. When you use yahoo seach, you are redirected to a page with a green box and arrows to a separate results page. If you hit the back button, and click the same link, it will take you to the correct page. I have run Malware, Avast, AVG Spybot and Microsoft Security Essentials. I am supposedly clean. I downloaded Mozilla and Opera to see if the problem was only in IE8, but the same thing happens in each browser. For some reason, if i search with Bing, everything seems fine. The Malware/virus protection softwares were all the free versions. Is this something that the pay version of malware can clean up?

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Hello ptarmigan ptom

Welcome to Malwarebytes.


If you are connected via a router then it is probably infected.

If you can as a test disconnect one of the computers from the router and plug it directly into the modem and see if the redirects stop.

If they do then you will need to reset the router to get rid of it.

Let me know if that helps or fixes it.

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i plugged directly into the modem and the redirecting seemed to stop. I rebooted and plugged back into the router and after some searching, it started up again. When it redirects, the line at the top will read results.yahoo.com and then it sends me to the green box and arrows page and finally a bogus search result. If the problem is truly in the router, then will resetting the router eliminate the problem?

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The only way to secure it is to set up a different secure password other than the default one.

This basically will not allow something in that doesn't know the password default passwords are easy to guess and are on about 99% of most routers unless you manually change it.

That is about it.

Let me know if you need further assistance.

If not I will have this topic closed.

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