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Education Canada site blocked


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I have been using EducationCanada.com for months now, but now the ip address comes up from Malwarebytes every time I try to access the site. This is a legitimate site used for education workers in Canada to access vital job and work place information.

This IP address could be a shared address with other domains. This must be address ASAP.

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Thanks Marcus for the info. It actually was a big help in regards to the registry settings.

I am using Windows 7 and XP and have the same exact issue with each, except when I just disable IP blocking in XP, I can go to educationcanada.com. But, disabling IP blocking in Win7 has no effect. Also, in Windows 7, MB use to notify me for every single IP it blocked, but not anymore, even after reinstalling.

After these issues started, I downloaded and installed the newest version and installed it after completely removing the older version with Revo uninstaller.

The problem I am now having (with the previous version also) is that right click on the Malwarebytes icon in the tray stops working a couple of minutes after reboot, and only on this icon. So, if I reboot the machine, the right click does work for a bit, then not at all after a short time.

Also, the "Add to Ignore List" is always greyed out, no matter what.

I tried reboot, open a browser (same thing in IE and FF and Chrome), go to educationcanada.com, then get a cannot connect message, then right click fast before it doesn't work, and the "Add to Ignore List" is greyed out.

This just started about two weeks ago or less, and I believe it was because of an update. So, whatever newer version came about around that time with the updated signatures, etc, is most likely causing this.

Here are additional steps I have tried:

-Uninstalled MB with its own uninstaller and rebooted, went to educationcanada.com, the site is blocked, rebooted, reinstalled MB and rebooted, then same issue again. I did notice that the log files and quarantine items stayed.

-I then used Revo uninstaller to completely remove MB, its registry entries, files, and folders, and I also stopped the MB program and service in taskmanager. Then, I used CCleaner to search for more registry entries for MB, found them, and deleted them. Then, I rebooted, went to educationcanada.com, the site worked fine. Then reinstalled MB, rebooted, went to educationcanada.com and the site is blocked, but the log files and quarantine items are now cleared.

So, if I use IP blocking, I get a Cannot Connect message. If I use the MB uninstaller, I still get a Cannot Connect message. If I completely remove MB with Revo, I can access educationcanada.com.

I have looked at the registry entries and added DWORD silentipmode and set to 0 but it still does not notify me.

No matter what, I can't access the right click menu for MB in the tray except immediately after reboot, and the "Add to Ignore List" is always greyed out.

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Occasionally other sites were blocked automatically before, such sites that had alot of ads on them. But, now, only educationcanada.com is being blocked according to the log files. No malicious findings from Malwarebytes or the online scanner from TrendMicro.

I have no other security software installed. I use a hardware firewall through my router plus Windows firewall. I am constantly looking through Event Viewer and task manager for anything that is not suppose to be in these machines. From my Linux machine, I can access educationcanada.com just fine.

Just one more weird thing, after a couple of hours, the right click on the Malwarebytes tray icon will work, then I will try to access educationcanada.com which can't be connected to, then the right click on the MB icon will fail to load. Also, cannot start Malwarebytes from tray icon when this happens so I have to use the icon in Start Menu.

This blocking of this particular website is happening on my Windows 7, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2008 machines, each with Malwarebytes installed. Each with no additional antivirus or third party firewalls, just using the hardware firewall, which says that no blocking is happening for educationcanada.com. I have tried a direct connection to my modem from one of the Windows machines to see if it was my hardware firewall, and MB still blocks educationcanada.com when installed, but does not if I use Revo to uninstall it completely.

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