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Hello Malwarebytes forum


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Hi everyone from Malwarebytes forum. I'm a new member. I hope i'm not at the wrong place. I'm interested into malware and removal. And i hope i'll learn here, and i won't act like a noob, and someday maybe help people with infections.

I also learn programmation languages c/c++,

I'm 19 years old, from Marseille (France), and i'm interested in malware since one year ago. I always wanted to be an "informatician" but i'll never be one (lol, that's only a dream...). Anyway i hope i'll be helpful. Glad to be here, and if i'm at the wrong place then escuse me.

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Hello tony-dark13 welcome aboard, browsing these boards and mingling with the good people here will provide you with lots of information and some good friends too :)

If your interested in learning about malware removal & elimination & joining the fight check out the schools

enjoy your stay here with us

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Hi -

Basically FAST REPLY , only gives you an open box to type into with a few options (bold italics underline etc) -

ADD REPLY , gives you easy options for uploading items , color editing , size editing , and many other options without needing to know all the full procedures for doing these things -

We tend to point people to this tab as we may want other items attached , also to stop the REPLY tab that quotes all of the last response -

Thank You -

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Another question, if i find malwarebytes serial, can i post them here even if i'm not malwarehunter? I also have malware c/c++ source codes, i could give everything if they aren't detected by malwarebytes (i didn't test yet).

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Another question, if i find malwarebytes serial, can i post them here even if i'm not malwarehunter? I also have malware c/c++ source codes, i could give everything if they aren't detected by malwarebytes (i didn't test yet).

Probably not. Pm those to nosirrah.:welcome: For those codes, they aren't really important I don't think. You can pm them to him if you want.:lol:

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