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We have never found any Malware on our server yet the address appears to have been blocked twice in six months. What daily routine do we need to perform to insure that the IP is not being blocked. I am told there is no public blacklist as with SPAM offenders and we cannot afford to wait until someone reports the problem. It is very difficult to find something that is not there.

I have no idea how long we were blocked this time but our traffic was definitely impacted. Is there not a link we can use to test the IP?

Thank you

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There is no link to test whether an IP is blocked at present, but this is possibly something we can look into for future additions.

In the meantime however, I've added your sites IP to my whitelist to prevent this happening again (unfortunately you're using a rather poor host (the range in question was associated with Win32/Kryptik.AJD), so my best advice would actually be to move the site elsewhere).

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There is no link to test whether an IP is blocked at present, but this is possibly something we can look into for future additions.

In the meantime however, I've added your sites IP to my whitelist to prevent this happening again (unfortunately you're using a rather poor host (the range in question was associated with Win32/Kryptik.AJD), so my best advice would actually be to move the site elsewhere).

Recommendations of U.S. based hosting options would be appreciated.

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