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The licensed version allows silent updates and scans both as well as live protection and all of it can be set to either show or be silent already. If you have the pro version and are having issues setting it up silently please contact the Help Desk and they will assist you.


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Guest garybear

Wow ! that's great news about the life time license. I don't where I put my Key, but if I need one, I'll just buy a new one. MBAM is worth the money. Thanks for that great news.


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Guest garybear

Hi Firefox!

Thank you for that great information. I hope this isn't to far off topic. I use a freeware program to back up my OS at least once a month. It has a feature that lets you mount your back up image in Windows explorer. You can copy and paste from there. Do you think I could copy and paste Malwarebytes back to my OS, and would it still have the license key or would I have to reenter my key? If that will work, I won't worry about getting my key because I will always have it. Thank you!


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Guest garybear
You will not be able to just copy and past it, you have to install MBAM clean and re-enter you ID and KEY.

Hi Firefox! This is confusing to me. If I restore my OS image with Macrium Reflect. I do not have to re-enter ID and key. What is the difference?? I have restored an image before and I didn't have to do any thing. Every thing worked just fine. Sorry for being stupid, but this is how I learn new things.Garybear

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Guest garybear
Hey garybear,

Sorry, I'm just seeing your response but you are welcome :welcome:



No problem my friend. Some Apps. will copy and paste from Macrium; some won't. I have never tried Malwarebytes, but will take your word. Don't want to be without my MBAM for one minute.


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