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Mobile Phones being Tracked by Ad Networks!!


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Privacy Alert regarding violations occurring by ad networks that are working with websites to use your mobile phone for tracking consumers!

I am new here but as a researcher I found this site and wanted to let AS MANY PEOPLE THAT I CAN KNOW ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON!!

Do you have an iPhone, iPad or iTouch? Go to Settings>Safari>Database and see what websites have allowed Ad Networks to track you while browsing through your internet!

I do research for law firms on upcoming lawsuits and as we all know that Websites/Ad Networks place Flash Cookies onto your computer to track your browsing habits, therefore I was preparing my research for our lawsuits against some of the Top Website Ad Networks and GUESS WHAT??? They are tracking through your phone as well!! UNBELIEVABLE!! :)

~just venting........not a good first impression.....Sorry :)


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Well that really wasn't what I was talking about but very interesting! What are the Mall's tracking? I was actually talking about when you browse the internet via your cell phone how Advertisers will place Flash Cookies on your phone to track your behavorial browsing. That is why I was wondering how to see what cookies were on your Blackberry like you can see them on iPhones through Settings>Safari>Database.

Any mobile phone with bluetooth activated has been trackable for several years -

Shopping malls have had "clickers" that count the number of these items as you enter -

Ever notice how there is usually an advertising board as you enter - They often contain a unit inside them -

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