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Scanning stops after


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After some 83.000 files (15 minutes) my computer stops with scanning, nothing can be done more, I have to reset. It's a Windows 7, 64-bit pc. It only happens in a complete scan. A fast scan doesn't find a "trojan horse", I use Avast and Avast doesn't find anything either.

The computer is a couple of months old, I use your fabulous program on four pc's (two daughters, one wife!) and it's the first time it happens. I used the complete scan about a week ago: no problems, but today it failed for three times, three times in the same way.

The scan stops at: C:\Windows\winsxs\Backup\amd64_microsoft-windows-newdev_31 and a lot of numbers, letters are folowing.

I use a Intel processor (E7500), so I don't know why there is "amd64" in that problem.

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Hi and Welcome -

Please try this quick first -

Open Malwarebytes from the desktop icon , Click on settings tab , Make sure the bottom item is Unticked , (Enable advanced heuristics engine)

Then retry a full scan -This item can upset some Windows 7, 64-bit units -

It will not mean an infection , it is just a setting that upsets full scans some 64 bit units -

Thank You -

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I selected for the first scan "Memory" and "Registry", the next time "The files" and the third time "Extra objects" and there were no problems (Complete scan).

When I selected the "heuristic part/last one I got the message MBAM_ERROR_NO_ITEMS_SELECTED (0,0)

I would think that the problem has anything to do with "that heuristic", but I also have scanned my pc with "that heuristic" deselected and than de pc crashed at the same point (See my first message); so what's the problem?

I'm convinced that there are no "trojan horses" but I want to scan completely!

I use the free version (yesterday updated)

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This item is usually fixed by unchecking the huristics engine ??

Re do the update again - 4690 is the current update version , do a quick scan and try this item -

Step 1

Click on this link and let me know what it says. It should be just a 4-digit number in the upper-left corner.

Step 2

Please download and run the traceroute utility at this link. It will run a traceroute to our update servers to see if it can find the connection issue, and then it will write it to a log, and open that log in Notepad when it is done. Please either save the log as a Text File and then attach it to a reply, or copy and paste it into a reply, and I will forward it on to our server guy.

Note that it may take several minutes to run, and it may look like it is not doing anything for a few minutes. Normally it takes longer when there are errors that it has to log, but it's rare for it to go more than 10 minutes.

Only one other question - Are you using Norton A/V ??

Thank You -

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This item is usually fixed by unchecking the huristics engine ??

Re do the update again - 4690 is the current update version , do a quick scan and try this item -

Step 1

Click on this link and let me know what it says. It should be just a 4-digit number in the upper-left corner.

Step 2

Please download and run the traceroute utility at this link. It will run a traceroute to our update servers to see if it can find the connection issue, and then it will write it to a log, and open that log in Notepad when it is done. Please either save the log as a Text File and then attach it to a reply, or copy and paste it into a reply, and I will forward it on to our server guy.

Note that it may take several minutes to run, and it may look like it is not doing anything for a few minutes. Normally it takes longer when there are errors that it has to log, but it's rare for it to go more than 10 minutes.

Only one other question - Are you using Norton A/V ??

Thank You -

It was 4680 (link 1) but after the update of today 4690!

You won't believe it (Or you do?) but I ran a complete scan (with the settings on "all") with 4690 and no problems anymore.

I can't imagine that I had forgotten to update before I scanned the pc, so I think that 4690 is from yesterday-afternoon? Today? anyway, THANKS FOR HELPING ME.

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