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Corporate Licensing Issues

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With the end of my fiscal year approaching I am need of a formal quote and custom purchase link for 880 licenses. I have been requesting pricing for days without a response. To my knowledge my emails haven't even been opened as I requested a read receipt and have received nothing. I'm hoping I may get a response to this post.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Greetings! ;)

Please provide your corporate license information when requesting help.

Please contact our corporate offices at the email address listed below:


They'll be better able to assist you in this matter.

I've emailed them and Pete several times without a response over the course of the week.

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Please fill out the form here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/corporate.php

Make sure you use a business email address please. Also ensure that your spam filters allow both malwarebytes.org and salesforce.com

Thank you.

I just did. Thank you for your suggestion. Maybe that will work, but coworkers of mine tried this weeks ago and never received a response. So, I was tasked with pestering you all until I get a quote I can do something with. Pete sent me some info on 550 licenses but administration here decided they needed more. Even still, I never got the formal quote and custom purchase link I was told I would need.

Thanks again!

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