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Sopcast - malware / spyware / viruses?


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Dear Forum,

Can anybody confirm whether Sopcast (www.sopcast.com) is known to contain malware, spyware or viruses?

A search on Google and on MBAM's forum did not reveal any such specific information from any reliable sources.

Hence the question to the experts on this board! :P

Thanks in advance!



MBAM Resident / Avast 5 Free / PCTools Firewall Plus / Window$ XP $P 3

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Thank you for the response.

Of course there have been instances in the past of P2P software containing malware / spyware and viruses.

However, I was specifically interested whether anybody had any concrete information concerning Sopcast.

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Thank you for the response.

Of course there have been instances in the past of P2P software containing malware / spyware and viruses.

However, I was specifically interested whether anybody had any concrete information concerning Sopcast.

The name of the provider or software makes no difference. If you are downloading and the person or persons seeding have malware/spyware/virus problems you will get it for free. P2P is like social diseases, you do not know where the other person has been. So if your feeling lucky........

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Sopcast Team, as the P2P streaming broadcast platform provider, has no fully ability to monitor illegal reproduced, piracy.

From Sopcast EULA that you must accept if you want to use it -

Most P2p have a similar line "use it but we are not liable for problems" , even Limewire has a similar EULA clause -

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