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There are a lot of trouble makers on forums!!

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Guest garybear

Hi! New comers find out they don't have an edit button on this forum. There is a reason for that. There are always people that just want to start trouble. This is Malwarebytes answer to that. Once you have 50 posts you will become a trusted member and you will get a edit button and even more privileges. Don't make posts just to get 50; just be patient, it won't take that long. Enjoy your stay here. This is a great forum.


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You do not need to quote every post...... :P

If you want to speak to someone in particular, if there are several folks on one topic you can do it this way....

@ garybear, you do not need to quote every post.... (this is the example)

PS: Please use the "ADDREPLY" t_reply.gif button instead of other ones when you start replying. :)

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Guest garybear

Hi Firefox. I understand your post. I was having some problems but I have got that all taken care of. I got lucky. This old man can learn if you just give me a chance. I want to be an asset to this forum.

Garybear PS I can now use the AddReply, and I will do just that. I will not use the Quote so much. I can learn my friend, Teach me!!

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