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The best protection you can have!!

Guest garybear

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Guest garybear

I'm not sure where to put this topic, but will put it here.The best protection you can have is a current backup image of your OS (Cdrive).If you have XP3, you need a program like Macrium Reflect; a free program, to make back up images at least once a month.There are more programs out there , but this is the best free one I have found. When your PC gets to the point where you can't fix it ,just restore your OS back to the time you had no problems. It's a lot better than a reformat. I feel very secure knowing I have my OS backed up and can restore it when ever I need to. Get a good AV program,a good firewall and by all means Malwarebytes.


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Guest garybear

Hi !Just to add to this. If your counting on Windows restore to an earlier time, you may get a big surprise. Not only can it get infected but, it is not reliable. If you have an image of your C drive on a USB then you can restore to a time when you had no viruses. A program like Macrium will actually reformat your drive and restore you OS to the day when it was clean. If you have gotten one of those really nasties; this will save you a ton of work. Make sure you OS is clean and back it up. Save that image on a USB. No more worrying about having to do a reformat and losing all your data. I wouldn't be without a back up program. At least use Errunt to back up your registry. There will come a day when you wished you had followed my advice.



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