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I'm planing on changing my domain provider from Verio over to No-IP. I haven't been pleased with the customer support and found it to be just a major headache. Been trying to link them to my Google Apps account, but I have read through several things and found Verio is not recommended as they are a pain to set up. I've found no guides on setting them up or useful information. The tools Google Apps offers in the Standard Edition(free)are well worth it. Does anyone have any thoughts?

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I'm not sure if I can trust wot anymore. Gives a 90 score for all categories even though malicious content far exceed everything else. Even google recommended it for their Google Apps account for businesses. :) They were polite and all in their replies. Guess I'll have to research more on google's recommendations. :P


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Yahoo is on the list. I know yahoo is trustworthy. I guess I'll go for them.:)

It's amazing how many have poor reputations on on the list google provided. Definitely do not want goddaddy.com . Hard to tell on the commercials if they are an adult website or hosting company. :P

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