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please pray for my home


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Hello all,

My home is going to be hit bu Hurricane Igor tonight. The storm is expected to last from tonight until Monday morning. This is expected to be the worst hurricane inBermuda's history so I would appreciate it if you guys may keep my beautiful home in mind as the storm is bound to cause some severe damage.

I have been talking to my family and friends from home and it seems that the Island is in total hurricane mode. I just wish I can be there as not knowing what is happening is killing me

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Hello all,

the storm is passed and the damage has been minimal. Mostly trees and supericial infrastructure damage. Our coastline and beaches have changed a bit, as it usual with any big storm, and there has been some flooding.

I am happy to report that there have been no deaths or major injuries, although a few people have suffered some property damage. I've attached photos. :)









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Well I am glad, and it is fortunate, that nothing too major has happened as a result of this storm, and it's also good that there have been no major injuries or any deaths ;)

Thanks for keeping us posted. The damage in some of those pictures seems pretty bad though, and the flooding! Ugh :) That's sure to cause some structural damage to homes and buildings :)

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