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ipod infection?


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I have avira installed on my pc, along with malaware. Any time I plug in my daughters ipod, it chirps at me and shows me the following screen. I check off on deny access, then windows asks me if I'd like for it to scan and fix the device.

I've googled the terms shown on the avira pop up screen but haven't really found much in english that described this worm found on an ipod.

I've had malaware scan that "drive" and it comes back clean.

Anyone have any ideas on what might be going on? I "feel" my pc is safe, but I'm worried that allowing windows to "clean" an Ipod ... well it doesn't seem like it would be compatible. Advice is welcome, knowledge is even better :)


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The autorun.inf is an Autorun file that is on the IPod. It is a worm that is spread via removable devices. What other computers has your daughter's IPod been plugged into? Any of them could have infected it, and then it will try to spread to your computer and any others that it is plugged into. I would allow Avira to clean the drive, and then run scans on all of the computers that the IPod was plugged into to check them for the infection.

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Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

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I thought it was harmless as I've never had a pc problem, but the advice here seems pretty obvious to me now :)

I had AVIRA clean it, I'll look to see if I can find it anywhere (current pc scans clean with malaware and avira, I'll check others in the house too. Not sure if it's been in other PC's, likely has as they use the usb to charge the ipod too.

Thx for the help, AVIRA removed it, and next time plugged in the notification went away.

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