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Hi -

Please list your Antivirus and Firewall applications , Also your Operating system (XP Vista Win7) -

The quote below has just been released in the last 24 hours - Zone Alarm firewall forum has released a similar quote -

Zeus.zbot.aoaq,Does Avast 5 detect ZeuS.Zbot.aoaq banking trojan virus??[

I got the same notification from ZoneAlarm just a few minutes ago and none from avast.

This page says that Avast Home Edition will detect it -

Thank You -


If it is not in our database , it will be there in less than 24 hours -

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  • Root Admin

This is supposed to be a trojan that steals banking passwords and financial account data, resulting in unauthorized money transfers.

Does Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware stop it?

Hello kinhunter25, and welcome to Malwarebytes.org

Often the actual infection itself is due to various types on droppers and installers that may or may not even be related or share the same name. Different Malware often borrows other malware code to help it get on the box so STOPPING it from getting on the box is the best solution. Detecting and removing once it has gotten on the box can sometimes be very difficult.

If you're already infected though then please follow the directions below.

Someone will work with you one on one to assist you in that forum.

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After posting your new post make sure under options that you select Track this topic and choose one of the Email options so that you're alerted when someon has replied to your post.

Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk at support@malwarebytes.org

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My question was just a general one. I haven't been "hit" yet, but our Computer groups email just came out with the notice about this trojan and I wanted to know whether Malwarebytes would do a search (and destroy) for it.

I am running Windows 7, 32-bit but others in our group are using XP. I am using McAfee Suite furnished through my ISP Cox Communications, Windows Defender, Malwarebytes, ccleaner, Glary Utilities all updated. I do NOT have Avast installed on my computer.

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Hi again -

If you read This Thread from the Avast forum (Specifically Reply #8) , they say to scan with Malwarebytes for it -

This is from some of their major Forum Principles -


I got the same notification from ZoneAlarm just a few minutes ago
This seems to be the source of the scare in most areas -

Thank You -

Please use the ADD REPLY Tab so that the full quote above is not repeated each time - Thanks -

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Forgot to add, when you click on either button in that alert, you get conveniently taken to a purchase page.


"Only ZoneAlarm's suite protects against ZeuS.Zbot.aoaq virus"

Troubling is that the hits I find for the named threats are mostly forum/blog posts about ZA's ad alert.


As we all know well here, Zeus is not new.

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Yeah I have seen log files where MBAM detects it as Trojan.Zbot so that sounds correct

ZA uses the Kaspersky engine so that alert is using the Kaspersky naming style.

These pop has discussion all over the net of those wondering does their AV detect it due to the popularity of the free ZA. The will however really lower the trust of ZA for a lot of people.

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My question was just a general one. I haven't been "hit" yet, but our Computer groups email just came out with the notice about this trojan and I wanted to know whether Malwarebytes would do a search (and destroy) for it.



Many millions of times.

Some of the newer variants are also being detect by these:



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