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I'm the webmaster of www.midwestbottles.com (IP: ) and it's being blocked by Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware as our customers indicated.

I don't have Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware installed and I don't want to purchase it just to see the exact reason of the block (I already have antivirus/antimalware solution from another vendor), and I really can't ask not-so-computer-savvy customers generate "logs" in "developer mode" for me, but I'm quite sure that we don't have any malicious content on our site and we're the only site on the IP.

Our hosting company is "SoftLayer", that's the reason of the block I guess, as somebody else mentioned on this forum that SoftLayer is an "ISP with a history of housing malicious sites".

Would you please kindly un-block our IP =, or let me know why it's being blocked.

Thank you.

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