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Best Security Suite


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My sub. with Norton 360 just expired and I have been looking at other security options. I've tried ESET which I uninstalled because it wasn't able to find revealer keylogger I had running. Then I tried Webroot Internet Security Complete and had good results with that. Then I was reading up on Comodo Internet Security and heard some really good things about it. Especially with the new version that is out and things to come. Also it was the only one to pass with 100% on matousec.com. So, I deiced to give it a try. I'm looknig for the best one out now, and I haven't been researching them long so I was wondering what your preferences were and why you thought they were better. Or if you are running separate firewall, antivirus, and malware software.



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Hi KDII and welcome to malwarebytes.:)

I used Comodo Internet Security before switching to Ubuntu. For a free security suite it does extremely well and would recommend it over anything else.:) There are others like Kasperksy Internet Security, Avira Premium Security Suite which have very positive results. Depending on what you want I would go for Comodo Internet Security for free or Avira Premium Security Suite paid for awesome detection.:unsure:

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Hi -

As a simple (and free for personal use) A/virus I have found Microsoft Security Essentials equals most others -

It is very light and easy to use - Also it will not pop up a full page as the scan starts , just a 1 inch x 2 inch notifier -

Updates are also un notified , as the tray icon just shows an arrow as it updates -

Just my personal view (on both XP and Win7 units) -

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Hi -

As a simple (and free for personal use) A/virus I have found Microsoft Security Essentials equals most others -

It is very light and easy to use - Also it will not pop up a full page as the scan starts , just a 1 inch x 2 inch notifier -

Updates are also un notified , as the tray icon just shows an arrow as it updates -

Just my personal view (on both XP and Win7 units) -

I agree.

Comodo is the second best suite you can get, though it is rather slow and got several false positives (by that many). Comodo is also often unsure of what to do and therefor leaves it to the user but the protection is superb.

MSE is rather an simple AV, though highly effective. It is not light on recourses but it is very light on system performance and it's detection rate is superb compared to Avira and AVG.

Though, I suggest getting an really simple AV such as Avast free which is lighter then MSE, and use ClearCloud DNS (Tested and blocks around 95% of sites with malicious coding / downloads though it does not block rapid share links with attachments containing malicous files.

Clearcloud DNS requires nothing from the PC.

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