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Notebook will not shut Off ??


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Dell 2200 Inspiron XP home (SP3) running MBAM Pro, with Avast (removed Trend Micro, takes up too much resources) This is the notebook I have a post on here: Two blue screens. that was giving me BSOD's and the problem was memtest picked up some bad ram Sunday night. Monday, I go buy a 1gb stick of ram, all works ok. But several times, intermittently. Going to turn the notebook off, it says "saving your settings" Windows is now turning off....nothing happens

I'm stuck! All that was changed was a replacement 1gb stick of RAM, An Uninstall of Trend Micro, An install of Avast. I installed ERUNT on 9/01/2010

It will sit there for 15mins + until I hot power it down... then after 1 min - I can start it up, and it would shut down normal. takes less than 30 seconds...

tonight all I did was download the MS updates, AV & mbam updates...tried to shut it down.... nothing?

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@ AdvancedSetup

That Link did it Ron! :)Thank you very much. I'll leave it in Program Files unless you say other-wise? A normal Start and Shutdown

I tested it four times, ran browsers, mbam scans. When I shut it off... It went off the correct way! thanks again !!!!! :)

going to save that link

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I've also used this and when I worked at my last job, I recommended deploying it to all the workstations because our users would always claim that it took forever to shut down or their computer would not shut down at all. UPH basically forces all those hanging processes that prevent Windows from shutting down to close, nice little tool.



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update on my notebook, I installed the UPHClean-Setup.msi back in Program Files. My notebook runs a 50/50 chance of shutting off !! As for the "you may need to re-install the power management software on your system from the MFG" up in post 2.. I went to the Dell support site & put in my service tag. I saw nothing about power management? to install... Unless theres another way to run the UPHClean-Setup.msi that I missed in the readme file.... TIA..

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