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Problems with 1.46 and Under

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Problems :

- While Malware 1.46 and under(Old versions) are scanning or updating its very slow - the program goes almost into a lag

- also if you trie to update and there is a new version there would be a update failed Msgbox - Only if you have the newest version then the program will update(Only Database update works not the version update)

- I don't know if anybody else has this problem but i think When it shows the update failed Msgbox on 2 Different Boots then there Must be a problem (Windows 7, I think it does the same on Xp too) :)

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Hi -

You do not give enough specific details - These would include , any antivirus program or any installed firewall programs -

Do you ever get any error messages (and what are they) and are you using the paid or free versions -

Also any version older than V1.46 is not supported and should be uninstalled/cleaned with MBAM clean.exe and replaced with V1.46 -

Thank You -

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Yes, that makes sense, sometimes other security programs can interfere with installers. It was probably blocking one of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware's files from being replaced with a new version. Firewalls can often do this as well, I've seen Zone Alarm and other firewalls cause failures in our installer unless it's set to allowed or trusted (assuming it's a firewall that gives you a prompt about the installer trying to run).

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