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external hard drive causes annoying messages


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I have a "seagate freeagent goflex 2tb external hard drive"

Every 35 or 40 minutes I get a notification box asking me what I want to do.

I close the box and 35 or 40 minutes later I get the same notification again.

You can see a screen capture of the notification here.


With some devices such as my digital camera I get an option to "Do Nothing" but with this device that isn't one of the avaliable options.

Is there a way to disable the notification?

Thank You

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Welcome to Malwarebytes! I see you posted over at Seagate also: http://forums.seagate.com/t5/GoFlex-GoFlex...d-p/UPHD_and_PU

dated today here and on there forum. Keep an eye on this forum & the Seagate forum. I get that message 1 time only. Not Seagate! someone may post here or at the other forum. good luck.. regards...

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Think this would be better? than going into the Registry?

How To Enable/Disable Autorun (Windows XP)

1.Open Windows Explorer by pressing the Windows + "e" key.

2.Right-click the desired CD-ROM and select Properties from the menu.

3.Select the AutoPlay tab.

4.Select each item from the pulldown list and for the Action to perform, select "Take no action" to disable autorun, or pick the apporpriate action to take if enabling autorun.

5.Select OK.

EDIT: Or will both posts work?

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Thank you for your responses.

I should have mentioned I have "Windows 7" so the procedure was a little bit different.

I found my answer in the "Microsoft Help Files"

I clicked on the link in post #3 and got redirected to the Windows 7 page.

start > control panel > Type AutoPlay in search box > untick the AutoPlay box beside the device.

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If I had to guess, I would say that your external hard drive was loosing connection using the usb port, so when it regained connection again, it would get re-detected and then give you the menu.....

Did you notice that? Did you hear it being detected every time?

Anyway disabling the auto-play should fix it as you already know....

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I didn't actualy have speakers connected to my computer however after reading post #7 I connected some speakers just to check.

You are correct every 35 or 40 minutes I was hearing that beep that you get when a device is being unpluged or pluged in to a USB port.

I switched this to a different USB port and now it isn't happening anymore so there must have been something wrong with the port it was plugged into.

My Computer is a "Dell Xeon 470 workstation" with "Windows 7"

Thanks Again

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I wasn't the only person to post on Seagate Forums about this problem and eventualy it was determined that the problem was caused by the external hard drive going into sleep mode when not in use.

I was able to download a program from Seagate that could be used to disable the sleep mode function.


Thank You for your input everyone.

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