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Hello to everyone on the Malwarebytes Forum - I'm a huge fan of Anti-Malware and use it regularly in conjunction with avast!, and recommend it to everybody whose computer I've fixed from virues/other malware. It's a great program and has never failed me. Not once.

I'm something of a geek, and like computers and technology in general. As well as this I enjoy reading, writing, gaming on occasion as well as being a fan of many genres of music and film.

I'm in no way artistically-inclined; I cannot draw to save my life, I'm not really into photography or textiles, or really anything creative - again, other than writing, in which I enjoy immensely. I was studying a Game Level Design module at university as part of my Computing course, of which I both loved and hated (the module, not the course). Loved it because it had problem-solving issues to deal with, and also hated and found uninteresting for the creative aspects of it.

I guess that kind of sums me up. I'm into the more technical, logical side of things as opposed to the creative, artistic side, of which, as I've said, I am utterly useless at. I'm willing to help people in any way I can, whether it be a technical, computer-related issue or otherwise. I'm not one to cause problems on a forum, and I'm fairly easy-going both online and in real life. So if you need any help, and I can help, I will help. In most cases, anyway.

OK, that's gone on long enough - hello to everyone on the boards and hope to speak to some of you soon. I'm glad to be a part of your community and hopefully my stay will be a pleasant one for all concerned.


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