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macrium reflect.

mbam daz.

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;) hi everyone.i recently used a hard drive imaging program called macrium reflect and made a copy of my c drive..i exited the program when completed.problem i have is that there is a active process running called reflect.exe.is this process supposed to be running continuously.? any help on this would be great.thanks.
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Yep, that's quite normal. You can disable it if you wish via Services.msc as it's a service. You can even uninstall Macrium if you want, as it doesn't have to be installed to restore your hard drive image if you're doing so from the free boot CD that Macrium offers. That's what I did, I created a one time image backup of my system to an external hard drive, created the boot CD, then uninstalled Macrium Reflect. I've since used the boot CD to restore my system twice and had absolutely no problems ;).

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I do not use Macrium Reflect on my Windows 7 system and I use:

Backup and Restore


I have an additonal 160GB hard drive for backups at occur weekly on Tuesday mornings.

I had problems with it on my XP Pro system and purchased Acronis True Image 2010 and quite happy with it.

By the way the macrium.com site is down again.

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Guest garybear

Hi ! I create a back up image at least once a month with Macrium Reflect. The reason I do that is because I want to have all the updates of my Apps. I have a external USB and I keep at least 5 images on it. I have restored a image on several occasions, and it has worked flawlessly. Its not fun to have to install up dates, so I make a image every month or when I make major changes. I recommend the free version. Make sure you have a clean PC before creating your image and your worries are over. Just restore your image, and your back just like the day you created the image. No Viruses or Malware. It's better than A virtual machine in my opinion. I wouldn't be without Macrium. Stop worrying about reformatting, and all the hassle, just restore your OS to the day when every thing worked well. It's a must for XP users.


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