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Haider, thanks for your post. While no, not all routers offer a built-in firewall, most if not all can be configured to only allow in/out traffic from certain ports. They are usually pre-configured to allow the common ones for internet services: 80, 21 etc, however they outright block any other ports that aren't managed by the user. This makes a far more robust deterrent to hackers (and quite often a nuisance to users); and while not impenetrable is better than a software firewall standing on its own.

Obviously a hardware and software firewall working together are a better security solution than one or the other, however I personally do not use a software firewall as I'm fairly confident in my router's firewall settings. But this is purely to save on system resources; while I'm not short on RAM or CPU power, I just don't want any software running that I deem superfluous.

It's a matter of choice, I suppose. :)

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