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Hello there. I go by the nickname Blind (because in real life I am legally blind) I desided to get on here to try to help others like me use maywarebytes and help get rid of spyware and viruses off of there computers cause belive me it is a chalange with the program you are using is not handicap friendly. I hope you all dont mind me speaking TYPO lol. I hope I can help. I will give you one example of something that helps. What I am using to read the form is called a screen reader. it reads what the text says. ok when you put your mouse over the start button you know how you get a window that says click here to start or even the word start depending on what windows you are running. well a screen reader picks up on that and reads that so if that is not there in a program's buttons or is labled wrong a blind or low vision person cant use it. I hope you will allow me to help in this regard. I have signed up for the beta list.



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