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Update Errors

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I have the paid version of MalwareBytes on 3 Windows 7 x 64 machines. I noticed yesterday that 2 of the machines had a database version that was several months old. I tried to do an update on both machines and got an error: Error Code: 703 (0, 5). I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling version 1.46 and it's all good.

On the third machine the database version wasn't as old as on the other 2 machines, but when I tried to update it I got an error that was different to the other 2 machines. Can't remember exactly what it was. Same deal, uninstalled and installed version 1.46 and everything is fine.

I seems odd that I had similar problems on 3 different machines. It's also a bit concerning that the database version was way out of date and there was never a warning to alert me to this. From what I understand the paid version should update automatically and I would expect that if the update failed it would throw up some sort of message.

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